Explore a couple of methods to share on Plannerly. The first two options require inviting team members to the project and confirming that they have a Plannerly profile. The remaining two options are those working outside of Plannerly.

1. Share a URL while in a certain module (web page)

Invite your team as a viewer, editor, or Manager then copy the URL while in a certain module (web page) and share that with any team member who already has access. 

Note: Use the File Manager and Docs permission access to control what documents each team can see.

2. Share a specific Doc Section (Team members must already be invited to the project to see the content)

Click on the section options (three dots) and select "Copy Link". Share the link to bring them in to review and comment on that section. 

Quick tip; you can use this link to reference between sections or documents.

3. Share a public URL link

Select the file options (three dots) and select the "Make URL Public" option. You can then select the "Copy URL" option and share that with external team members outside of the Plannerly project.

4. Download a file within File Manager for sharing.

Select the File Options (three dots) and select "Download".